

Re-Programme Your Soccer Self Image

Using conscious logical thinking, you know the required response you want to a game situation. But its not you're logical mind that manages the response, its you're subconscious which controls heart rate, breathing, perspiration as well as the emotions of pride, resentment, fear or desire.

To alter any poor memories or attitudes you may have about you're game, first weaken them, then create better alternatives by using the methods outlined in this book. You will be able to go into activities and situations with an abundance of enthusiasm. Just give yourself time.

Clasp your hands in your usual way, fingers entwined and notice which thumb is on top. Let go, then clasp your hands again in such a way as the opposite thumb is on top. How does it feel? Awkward? Uncomfortable? It doesn't feel natural! This shows as you go into unfamiliar territory, the greater the psychological discomfort. Your performance may suffer temporarily as you make needed adjustments to your game, but change does that. If you were to place your hands and thumb the 'awkward' way every time, it would eventually feel natural, as your skill adjustments will.

You have talent. Can you adjust to a new squad or league? This method will show how you can perform with confidence:

Take a deep breath, sit back and relax as you exhale.

Tighten, then relax all your muscle groups.

Recall the sights, sounds, feelings of you playing at your very best.

In your minds eye imagine another you standing in front of you. This is the best that you have ever been, or ever will be, at the top of your game, every decision you make is the right one.

If you can't see it or imagine it, just know that it is there.

When you feel happy with the image in front of you, notice the way you stand, move, kick, pass, trap, head.

Notice a confident champion before you, spreading out accurate passes every time, an unstoppable outfielder or unbeatable goalkeeper.

Now step into your image and see through those eyes, hear through those ears and feel how good it feels to be that living image.

Keep that important feeling and make everything bigger, brighter, more powerful. Let it glow.

Step into another more intense image of yourself. Keep doing it several times more, getting bigger and brighter and stronger each time.

Take a few minutes if you wish to imagine yourself in any situation from the past where you want a bad memory changed to a more positive outcome, or see yourself in a future situation dominating play, being rewarded, excelling. You can, you know, forget about ever having had that problem.

Daydream and know it can come true.

Think of a future situation or event when having a positive feeling is desired. Taking a direct free kick for example. You have read the routine above, give it a go, or try this one next:

Using the Circle of Excellence exercise builds a positive mood and creates a state of mind which will be useful in the future.

In front of you, create the Circle of Excellence. This represents that state you require. Imagine it has a colour, maybe there is also a sound there, or a special word. This circle brings for you all the skills and positive assurance you want.

Now, return to a time when you had that positive resource, or imagine you had the right attitude, dedication and grit.

Take a deep breath, exhale...

Step inside the circle.

As you enter, imagine the bright colour shinning down and all around you, going into every cell of your body, from the top of your head, all the way down to the tip of your toes. Double the brightness. Hear the special sound or word. Imagine that feeling you have getting stronger, being absorbed by your body. Feel the strength and enthusiasm that glows from you.

Tell yourself you are more confident, talented, fitter.

Every breath you take, you take in more of the resource, your demoralising the opposition, everything you do is a bonus to the team. If you can see it in your minds eye, you can achieve it.

You can do the Circle of Excellence just about everywhere. Rehearse it first, then going onto the pitch imagine the circle before you as you cross the touch line. Do it as you take position for a set piece. How about stepping out of the shower, getting out of a car.

This article is taken from the book, Soccer Mind - Raise Your game with Mental Training by Paul M Maher PhD. An ebook can be downloaded from or a physical hardcopy can be purchased from Antony Rowe Publishing, Amazon or ordered from bookshops.

Paul M. Maher invites you to learn more about sports psychology and to maximise your sports potential by visiting You will gain access to invaluable eBooks, regardless of which sport you play. The latest are focused on cricket, soccer tennis and bodybuilding psychology.

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